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Welcome to

Church of        Wrocław


When you are away from your home, country, and culture, you don't have to be away from your Christian Family. 
Our Vision: As an International church, we will make disciples of all nations who make disciples.
Our Mission:  Intentionally creating a Biblical and relational environment for reproducing disciples of Christ.
Process:  We will seek to follow the progressive method of Jesus as he made disciples that can be described as - Share, Connect, Minister, Disciple.

Join us on Sunday 5:30pm aul. Kłodnicka 2, Wroclaw, Poland 54-218


Share - Sharing the gospel with unbelievers and nurturing spiritual infants through meeting needs such as individual attention from a spiritual parent, protection and care, explaining the Word of God to them, and explaining and modelling habits of a believer.

Connect - guiding spiritual children through meeting needs such as being part of a spiritual family, spiritually feeding themselves, building relationship with Christ and other believers, exploring giftedness and concerns for other believers.

Minister - Training of young adults where needs are in helping them find appropriate ministries to serve within the body, spiritual parents who will mentor and debrief with them about the ministry experience, ongoing relationship with believers that offer encouragement and accountability.​

Disciple - releasing spiritual parents who need a team to play on with other disciple-makers.  Spiritual parents also need direction, encouragment and training.  No believer grows to the point that he or she doesn’t need further coaching.  We always need to grow further in the process of sanctification and increased humility.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Matthew 18:20

For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”

Current Sermon series

Cultivating Christ-like Character

Cultivating Christ-like Character

Stories of Biblical Faith have inspired generations of believers to “stand firm”, to “persevere” and to “Follow Christ”. In our new mini sermon series at the International Church of Wroclaw (INCW) “STORIES OF FAITH THEN & NOW” we will look at Chapter 11 of the book of Hebrews and be reminded of the faithful men and women who have committed their lives to follow their God. In addition, we will hear each week, one or two testimonies of other men and women today who are preparing to follow their Lord in Baptism on December 1st. May these stories of God’s love and power be an inspiration to us all that God continues to write “His Story” on the hearts of men and women today.

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