Membership in INCW
Membership Invitation
It is not uncommon today for believers in Christ to see church membership as a low priority. Here at INCW, we believe that identification and commitment to a local body of Christians is biblical and necessary for the maturity of the individual believer and for the overall building up of God’s Church. If you feel the Lord is leading you to explore and invest the gifts he has given to every believer, we would love to talk with you further. Please read the following details below and contact us to make an appointment to explore further the joy of being an active part of the family of God here at INCW.
Pray about and consider if the Lord is leading you to be a member. We believe and teach that identification and commitment to a local body of Christians is biblical and necessary for the maturity of believers. It is a two-way ministry where individuals make the commitment to invest their God-given gifts to build up the body of Christ and that the body of Christ feeds, protects, teaches, and nurtures the individuals towards maturity in Christ.
What is local Church Membership?
We believe and teach that identification and commitment to a local body of Christians is biblical and necessary for the maturity of the believer and growth of the Lord’s Church. Church membership is a two-way commitment to serve and be served by a local assembly of believers for the purposes including: taking instruction from God's Word (1 Tim. 4:13; 2 Tim. 4: 2), preparing the saints for the work of ministering (Ephesians 4: 7-12), serving and building one another up through proper use of spiritual gifts (Rom. 12: 3-8; 1 Cor. 12: 4-31; 1. Peter 4: 10-11), participating in the ordinances: baptism and communion (Luke 22:19; Acts 2: 38-42) and preaching the Gospel to unbelievers (Matt. 28: 18-20).
What are the Benefits of Church Membership?
Some service opportunities which involve leadership will be positions where church membership will be necessary such as ministry leaders, home group leaders, deacons and elders (Or specifically approved by current church leadership) . Is it not the Lord’s will that
new or young believers try to navigate the choices of this world alone. We are designed for relationships. We all need others that will walk with us in this discipleship journey of life. There are many voices in the world that call out to us to follow them, to seek first our own comforts and pleasures. However, God’s word is clear that we must “Seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness”. A community of brothers and sisters in Christ offer mutual encouragement, loving warning, and at time caring discipline to seek first God’s Kingdom. Church membership allows for you to explore the giftedness that each believer has for the building up of the local church. When we allow the Lord’s Spirit to flow through us and to others in acts of service and love, it is exciting and motivating. We find the purpose for which we are called into fellowship with our Lord.
What should you expect from Church Membership?
What members can expect from the church and what the church body expects of its members. Membership Covenant is not a life-long binding covenant like a marriage covenant. We realise that many who attend INCW will someday move on.
As a church, we make a covenant with our members to:
1. Know: We are committed to knowing the condition of our flock
2. Feed: We are committed to helping our members grow through regular teaching of God’s word, through the providing of resources, and through training and encouragement to feed themselves from God’s Word.
3. Lead: We are committed to leading our people by example as we seek to equip them and provide relational opportunities to encourage growth.
4. Protect: We are committed to being a wall of protection for our people, helping to guard against the world, the flesh, dark spiritual forces and false doctrine.
5. Care: We are committed to providing meaningful loving care for members which includes, but is not limited to care for the spiritual, mental, and physical needs of our body
As a church member, (we requst a covenant with the church to) we affirm and commit that: